Single Like Break Text Formatting in WordPress

When editing text using your WordPress visual editor, web site owners are often discover a very the large gap between lines after pressing the Enter on the Keyboard.
That keystroke is interpreted by editor as the end of the previous paragraph and the opening of a new one. Depending on the web browser you are previewing the current page with a gap of 20 to 30 pixels appears between the two lines of text. Of course the stylesheet of your current WordPress theme has probably already set a CSS rule for paragraph margins and padding. That rule will determine the how much spacing there will be between paragraphs.

To get a simple line break instead use the combination Shift + Enter in your keyboard. That will create a simple line return which is translated in html by
. As a matter of fact most Rich text Editors I came across on the internet exhibit this same behavior.

If you are using the Hotmail rich text editor, you know what I’m talking about.

There you have it. Happy updates!!

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